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Sailing adventures

  When I was in my twenties, just recently fallen in love with the ocean and hungry for sailing adventures, I started reading the biographies of many sailors.   From the great discoverers like Magallanes, Marco Polo and Zheng He, modern sailing records lie Laura Dekker and even the random middle-age couple that decided to sell their house and sail around the world and write a horrible book about food recipes and the most boring Atlantic crossing I have ever read.   In any case I devoured them all books, dreaming of a boat that I didn’t have and experience that would take me years to get.  since I turned 23 and forsook my career in science and committed to become a better sailor and sailing instructor it has been a long and bumpy ride.  Working as a sailing instructor in different places, carrying my books with me. I was in the fjords of the south island of New Zealand while reading the memories of Captain Cook, on the same bay where he was attacked by wild Ma...

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